Monday, January 5, 2009

Cologne (Koln) Christmas Market-6 Dec 2008

On Dec 6, we took the train from Landstuhl to Koln (Cologne). It took a little longer on the train, but it was well worth it. The bahnhof is right outside the cathedral, and the main Christmas Market-so it was perfect!!! The kids love the train, and whenever we have the chance we take it.
First we started at the Weihnachtsmarkt at the Dom. We then bought tickets to take a smaller train to 3 other markets-1st the AltersMarkt, then the MitteltMarkt (at the Chocolate Factory) and then the NeuMarkt (my favorite!!) We brought the train back to the Dom, stayed a bit longer and caught the 6pm train back to Landstuhl. It was a great day-even though it rained at the AltersMarkt!
We had our fill of gluhwein, cocoa, strudel, chestnuts and bratwursts. I collected 4 new mugs too.

Trentan and daddy excited about the train ride

Micah giving the train decision a thumbs up

The Weihnactsmarkt am Kolner Dom

The breathtaking cathedral

The kids infront of the cathedral

Chloe loves the markets for these rides alone

The small train that we took to the different markets (1997) what a
great year!!!

Trentan loving his hot cocoa

It's always a good market when there is a chestnut man

Kolner Dom

Noggle 5 in Koln

Micah and Sankt Nikolas

The AltersMarkt (it was raining so we didn't stay long at this one)

The Mittelmarkt outside the chocolate factory-this one was a medival markt

A medival stall-we bought some yummy onion and nut bread here
The NeuMarkt-my favorite market-the stalls were almost Shabby Chic

Love this!!

The gluhwein/cocoa stall and lovely chandelier

Look at how beautiful this merry-go-round is!

This pretty angel was printed on the gluhwein mugs

Mom and kids at the NeuMarkt

This Market was so awesome! I love the white stalls-so chic

The Neumarkt entrance at nightfall

Close up of the white stall-they were very classy

The Kolner Dom

The train ride back home-what a great day!

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