So we just returned from a week in Isle Sur La Sorgue in Provence, France. We purposely went for all the markets in the area and for the large antique fair in ISLS itself. We had been to Provence a few years back, but we were further south in Frejus and we went to the Cannes Film Festival, so this was a treat to be back, but in a different area.
Before going, I studied the area well and mapped out atleast one market a day in a different town. You could literally attend 10-15 markets a day if you had the time!!! I have several pictures on this post so I will keep the talking short. We came home with many treasures! I had to pass up several items because of vehicle room. I was ok with that, as I knew before I left what I could and could not puchase! We picked up several accessories for upcoming May Market!! Enjoy the photos and if you ever have a chance to spend time in Provence, do it!!!
We had an apartment in the center of town and it was totally awesome! You literally walked out our door and into the streets to shop! Highly recommend.
I try to stay out of photos, but when you read about ISLS, you find pictures of the famous CAFE DE FRANCE, well our apartment was 100 meters from here, so we had to capture a photo.

My youngest was not cooperating too well, so this was the best we could get!

ISLS is famous for their waterwheels! They were all over the place.

Around town.

When I read that ISLS had over 250 antique stores, I was a little skeptical, however, I now see that some of the bigger places have 30-40 vendors, so it is easy to see over 200+ different sellers

Famous Sunday market in town

Pretty cool stuff, but boy was most of ISLS very pricey!!!!
I have one of these Gustavian benches coming in my Swedish shipment which will be here TOMORROW!!!! Woo Hoo

Ah, Provencial linens, brought some of these back to sell too!

Love lavendar

On Sunday, we headed to 3 other towns, the first was Gordes, which was only 20 mins from us. When you see famous photos of Provence, you will find pictures of the Abbey here with fields of lavendar surrounding it! It was gorgeous, too bad the lavendar was not in season.

Love all the stone

Next we headed to Roussillon, which is famous for its town that is built on the red rocks. I thought this painted door was just fabulous! I want one

After leaving Roussillon, we headed to Fontaine de Varcluse and we stopped at this shop where we saw a Lambourgini, of course my middle son wanted his photo beside it! I guess it is a boy thing!

Fontaine de Varcluse

Kids eating chichi, like elephant ears with lavendar flavor and Nutella on top-YUM!

Ok, so on Monday we headed to Nimes and the market was smaller, but really good! We found lots of treasures!

We stopped into the grocery store whil waiting for a few of the second hand shops to open, this place was so beautiful!

Back in ISLS, the Sorgue river forks right here in town

I went for a walk and took pictures of places I like

This is the Boulangerie right down from our apartment where we would get fresh baguettes every morning

Olive store on our street

The famous antiques fair with over 450 vendors takes place at Parc Gautier and the town hall

We watched them set up all week long, so it was cool to see the daily progress, love this place and all their furniture

So cool, that bar was awesome!

I wanted one of these clocks but they were starting in the 400 euro price range, OUCH! But pretty sweet looking

Getting ready

Love this booth too! My kinda colors!

Times to enter

Oh my! My mouth just fell open, if you love old seltzer or siphon bottles, this place had it going on!!! So beautiful! Minimum price was 80 euros though, so I had to pass them up

Love the industrial, chic look, there was so much of this all over the fair

Love the corner cabinets

Wanted to buy an old sign, but so expensive, this one was 250 euros!

Ok, this booth was so inspiring, don't be surprised if you see something similar at my market. My pieces are a little different, but some of the colors are the same! I left inspired for sure.

Oh my! This family from the UK had the most beautiful silver I have ever seen, but again so expensive. That surely didn't keep people from buying though!

Loved these demijohns with their original labels and the prices were actually really good, but by this point in our trip, I think I already picked up 7 so I had no room for any more.

Ok, so we left on Saturday morning, but not before hitting one more market. I researched and found the reviews really good for one outside of Avignon, right over the bridge, and the reviews were correct, this market was awesome. Of course by this point, I barely had an inch to spare without having my children carrying antiques on their laps for the next 7 hours. I did find some great smaller items though. I didn't take photos at all the markets or shops we went to, but I can give you names. We went to St. Remy, Arles, Nimes, Avignon, Perrilatte and a few more. I am drawing a blank, but trust me, you can't go wrong with markets in Provence.

Wanted some mirrors, something fierce, but no room

Loved this table and mirrors

Ok, so I bought this beautifully painted panel door and we had it strapped under our luggage carrier on the roof, but it started to drizzle on the way home, so my sweet husband, pulled over and we strappe it onto the ceiling inside! Walla!

We're home and full of treasures from Provence! Come out 18-19 May to come take home your own little part of France. Also our shipment from Sweden arrives tomorrow afternoon! So excited!! Happy treasure hunting